Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

first round - aces high

hi everyone,

i've edited aces high (AH) for the first time here, with fades, time remaps/stretches, and some color correction. I will be putting in sound next. I am hoping at this stage that all clips are in order. if not, i will be here tomorrow working in A202 all day, from 10 to 4.

thanks everyone,


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Final Production Reel

hi guys,

the video is over 20mb in size, so let me know if you can't view it. feedback is appreciated.


Final Renders for Composite

Hello everyone,

I have already received Eric's final rendered scenes and have put them directly on my hard drive. I will begin the actual composite after next tuesday, so please make sure to connect with me to get your beautiful, FINAL RENDERS asap. I will be putting them together in AfterEffects, and if there are any issues with your render, let me know so that I can take appropriate steps to fix once it goes to composite.

You can give me .tga or .tif sequences, in a neat folder, or the PREFERRED way, render a completely finished .mov with your scene numbers in the name.

thank you everyone...


Sunday, November 27, 2011

hey everyone!

im going to make a folder on zuul tomorrow called production team renders. please throw your final renders in there as soon as you can throughout the week. if not, we MUST have all our footage by thursday ready to be put together.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Amanda Final Render!!!! TA-DA

TA-DA!!! It turned out pretty cool, I think........ :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rendered Scene 19-30 done, but video will be up by next class

Hi everyone,

I have the scenes for 19-30 rendered, but the files can't be uploaded to mediafire for some reason. Might be cause the file is too big, but just wanted to let you know it's done, and I'll have a video ready before next class. Also, Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Render Settings

Render progress

Here is how my rendering is going so far. Just thought I'd keep you all updated with how it's looking. This is around 50 frames. Cool, no?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chase Scene

Barrel Roll Scene

Final PLayblast

HEre ya go!!!! Yes the eye textures are there, they just don't show unless you turn on the textures. But let me know what you think so I can update before tomorrow morning. Otherwise, this is what it will look like. Ready for rendering

Monday, November 14, 2011

Possible final thingy

Made many tweaks since Monday night. Also animated the face. Fixed camera a tiny bit. Lemme know what needs fixing.

Eric Galvan Wk07

Here is Scene 19-30 re-done, again. Let me know what you think.

More more more

So as the title says, here is more. He has some facial expressions going on. Haven't gone all the way through yet. Did add the planes though!!! YAY!!! Fixed them falling through the floor.

Let me know what you think so I can work and hopefully finish before thursday!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

More things.

No face still. Made suggested changes. Should fix camera Monday night. Face too!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Scene 19-30 Tweaked

Hi everyone,

Here is the scene fixed. I'm sure there are still some problems, but I'm pretty sure it's just nitpicking at this point. Maybe. But the next main concern I have to fix now is just getting all the textures in cause some of them aren't right, and some of the lighting needs to be fixed. Other than that, if anyone spots anything else, just let me know and I'll fix it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

More Boy scene 1

I'm unable to work more on this over the weekend, so this is more of what I accomplished today. A couple more hours worth.

Let me know what you think, and if there are any problems. Don't mind the camera, I have to fix a few keys and stop the floating.

Also let me know about the camera angle after he gets up and before he starts running.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Timed out

Sorry about the last video.

Let me know how the timing is working on this one. I tried to give him more time to get up on the couch and off the ground, but i still think there may need to be more there. Not sure.....

I'm going through today and adding in more poses inbetween the ones I have here. So tomorrow morning there will be lots more animation done. Just keeping you all updated

Friday, October 28, 2011

Eric Scene 19-30

Hi guys,

Here is my part of the assignment I got done so far. Tell me what you think so I can make the changes before class thur. Also, I am having some slight problems, the textures of the German rig's face does not appear. It shows when it renders, but when animating it, the whole thing is white, you think someone can help me to make the texture appear while animating? Cause it's really hard to make facial expressions when all you see is white.


Amanda Blocking One

It isn't timed yet!!!!! SORRY!!! You'll have to scroll through to see the different frames and hope it works for you. I will definetly have a lot more done for class next week and post an update at the beginning of the week. So far the camera is cutting a lot, but i think there may be too many, that's why i started having the camera track him at the beginning.

No planes yet, I'm not going to constrain them until the final rig.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

As we discussed in class, i have added a background and music to the closing credits.

Here is the production reel we looked at in discussed, i need to work on the timing of projects being displayed. I will also add some music.



hello everyone,

here is my latest version of the intro title sequence. I am working on the type now and will rework the planes and their masks.

any feedback is greatly appreciated.



Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Room and Boy

So I'm not sure the scale of the boy is correct to the room, or some of the objects are not to each other. I say that cause he is almost as big as that clock and the door. I could not find a globle scale on the boy. And it was pretty impossible to scale the room without it having problems, or I just did it wrong. But since I am not the only one working on scenes with the boy in this room, I think it would be wise to figure it out.

He also you can see, when rendered. One more thing about the boy....I thought he was suppose to have suspenders?

I haven't started blocking yet because I have a scene where he is climbing on the furniture and therefore I want this addressed before I begin. Thanks!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Progress Scenes 19-30

Hi guys,

Already started on the blocking and the animations for scenes 19-30. I should get the British Rig from Jonathan on wednesday, but for sure by the end of class thur, I'll have a good chunk of the animation completed. This is just a progress update on where I'm at. Hope everything is going well for everyone else.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

BritBoy Proxy Rig version1

I'm gonna have to email this to everyone because Blogger won't let me upload it. It's about 15MB.

morning everyone...

here is the beginning of the production reel. lemme know your thoughts.....i would insert the final images in their spots as we get closer to the end, but i wanted to set this up and get feedback on how to make this look better.

